During an adventure into the criminal underworld, Han Solo meets his future copilot Chewbacca and encounters Lando Calrissian years before joining the rebellion.

When it comes to directors like Ron Howard you immediately know your gonna get a good quality film. And regardless of all the controversy surrounding the loss of original director, its safe to say this is Ron Howards film. Another crucial element going into this film was how well was Alden Ehrenreich gonna fill the shoes of legendary actor Harrison Ford who made the iconic character Han Solo that we’ve all come to love. Alden manages to bring some of the Harrison Ford flavor of Solo all while making it his own at the same time, pulling off a great young version of the character that works! The story is simplistic but it has enough new, and very likable characters, to the table which keeps you invested in the film. Donald Glover as Lando was great, Emilia Clarke (Qi’ra) was wonderful, and Woody Harrelson ( Becket) is always fun to watch. With such a great supporting cast and good action scenes this was a solid film.

I’m a Star Trek fan but I have great respect for the Star Wars movies especially when it comes to there spinoff films! There episodic films are good (nothing beats the classics right) but there spinoffs, Rogue One and Solo, have quickly become my favorites. One thing that I have enjoyed so much are the droids! From Rogue One’s K-2SO to my now favorite, L3-36! These droids are the highlights of the films for me bringing humor and such unique personalities that you cant help but fall in love with. There’s not much of a story here but the movie keeps a steady flow with characters that keep you entertained. How does it rank as a Star Wars movie, I dont know, like I said I’m more of a Star Trek fan myself, but I had a good time with Solo: A Star Wars Story!

SCORE: 8/10