A cargo ship and her crew out in the middle of the ocean unknowingly carry with them an evil they can’t possibly imagine, and the legend of Dracula is born, again… But out of the most recent Vampire movies out there today this one ain’t half bad. Set in the late 1800’s the entire story takes place on the confined space of the Demeter, but the film doesn’t quite sell you on the feeling of literally having nowhere to run, a missed opportunity in my opinion. The film does however provide the creeps with the scary look of it’s main baddie, Dracula!

This is not you’re typical “Twilight” vampire that seduces the ladies with his mysteriously good looks. No, this Dracula is a thing from nightmares, and a much needed look from what we’ve gotten lately from any dracula story. Even though the story had a few weak plot holes it’s main attraction held the film together just enough to please my monster horror needs.

SCORE: 6/10